Interact - Rotaract Installation Night

18th of August 2007, may be a memorable event for many as they got their first badges from their President but for me, it is not only a memorable one but also an important event. On the date mentioned, our Club had the FIRST joint installation with 4 interact clubs' from 4 different schools which are St. Columba, Chung Hua, Lutong High School and Riam.

This event was participated by not only the members of the Rotaract and Interact members but also by Rotary Club members, friends and family and also by a renowned man, Datuk Lau. Activities held that night were many and interesting. On of the main highlights of the night was the presentation of badges to fellow Board of Directors by their President.

Performances that were on that night were such as live band performances, choir singing and dancing. All these performances were done by our own Rotaract and Interact members. Everyone had fun. A souvenir which comes in the form of magazine was handed out to guests but there were limited copies and only the lucky ones had them.