1. Chien Hui Liang (President)
2. Ian Brian Tan Yang (V. President)
3. Adam
4. Si Yang
5. Jason Ong (Dir. of International Service)
6. Chang Shea Speare (Sergeant at Arms)
7. Ng Jou Wen (Treasurer)
8. Polycarp (Secretary)
9. Bay (Zonal Rep) and
10. Yours truly, Joyce (Dir. of Publicity)
The main objective of APRRC is to bring Rotaractors from all around the Asia Pacific region to a venue & establishing a common ground for discussions & platform for the sharing of views & ideas. It was an experience to remember and it was also very spectacular! It was a 4 day 3 night event that was held in the premises of A' Famosa Resort. Made many new friends, learned many things and most importantly, had lots and lots of FUN! *GRINSSSS*
District 3310 Rotaract ors
Rotaractors camwhoring! Wheeee! After opening ceremony of APRRC
After our dance during the Cultural Night
President Hui Liang and President Raymund aftering the signing of the sisterhood agreement
Agreement of sisterhood between Rotaract Club of Curtin Uni and Rotaract Club of San Pedro
Rotaractors camwhoring! Wheeee! After opening ceremony of APRRC
After our dance during the Cultural Night
President Hui Liang and President Raymund aftering the signing of the sisterhood agreement
Agreement of sisterhood between Rotaract Club of Curtin Uni and Rotaract Club of San Pedro