Educational Talk

Educational talks are very important for students especially if the talks are on how to be a good presentation skills. That is what Prof. Marcus Lee gave a talk on when he came to Curtin after being invited by the Rotaract Club. The talk was held on the 14th of September and was attended by students from different engineering disciplines.

Prof. Marcus Lee that works as a lecturer in University Southampton said that the lifestyle of students in Miri were very much different from them of Southampton Uni. During his talk he gave tips on several do's and don'ts while presenting. He also talked on the importance of good presentation skills, which are:

- Good and bad body gestures.

- Proper attire.

- Do's and don't while presentating. [Told life experiences when he was observed others presenting. The bad and the goods]

Alongside that, the Professor also touched on topics like the Britain way of living and etc...

Curtin Closed Dodgeball Competition

On the 6th of October 2007, Rotaract Club of Curtin University of Technology in association with the Gamerz Club of Curtin jointly organized the Curtin Closed Dodgeball Competition. The objective of organizing this event was to aid the development of team spirit and gamesmanship among Curtin students. This event is targeted to be a non-profitable type of event; meaning that this event is not geared towards monetary gain. The objective of dodgeball is to eliminate each and every opponent team member from the in-court. To do so, one must use the single ball provided in the game and throw it at opponents. Opponents that come into contact with the ball is considered eliminated. Each dodgeball match consists of three playable sets. The best team of the three sets wins the match. The tournament took two whole days; i.e. from Saturday up to Sunday which was 6th to the 7th September 2007. A total of 7 teams participated in this tourney and all the teams were grouped together in a single table league format. Each team will play the other 6 teams in a game of dodgeball. Once all the games are played the points are divvied up. The top four seeds are as follows (in order of 1st to 4th seed):

1. City

2. Volleyball Team

3. City APJ

4. 38 Club

These four teams made it to the quarter-finals knockout phase. Finally, City emerged champions, defeating 38 Club in the finals. The other teams that participated in the tournament were:


2. Rotaract gg

3. Curtin Music Society

APRRC: Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference

On the 14th of August, in A Famosa, Melaka, there, a huge event was being held. Event was especially important to Rotaractors from all around Asia Pacific. The event; Asia Pacific Regional Rotaract Conference. The few Rotaractors from Curtin were very lucky to be able to attend this conference as it was a rare experience and conferences usually were not held in Malaysia. Rotaractors that attended the conference were:

1. Chien Hui Liang (President)
2. Ian Brian Tan Yang (V. President)
3. Adam
4. Si Yang
5. Jason Ong (Dir. of International Service)
6. Chang Shea Speare (Sergeant at Arms)

7. Ng Jou Wen (Treasurer)

8. Polycarp (Secretary)
9. Bay (Zonal Rep) and
10. Yours truly, Joyce (Dir. of Publicity)

The main objective of APRRC is to bring Rotaractors from all around the Asia Pacific region to a venue & establishing a common ground for discussions & platform for the sharing of views & ideas. It was an experience to remember and it was also very spectacular! It was a 4 day 3 night event that was held in the premises of A' Famosa Resort. Made many new friends, learned many things and most importantly, had lots and lots of FUN! *GRINSSSS*

Interact - Rotaract Installation Night

18th of August 2007, may be a memorable event for many as they got their first badges from their President but for me, it is not only a memorable one but also an important event. On the date mentioned, our Club had the FIRST joint installation with 4 interact clubs' from 4 different schools which are St. Columba, Chung Hua, Lutong High School and Riam.

This event was participated by not only the members of the Rotaract and Interact members but also by Rotary Club members, friends and family and also by a renowned man, Datuk Lau. Activities held that night were many and interesting. On of the main highlights of the night was the presentation of badges to fellow Board of Directors by their President.

Performances that were on that night were such as live band performances, choir singing and dancing. All these performances were done by our own Rotaract and Interact members. Everyone had fun. A souvenir which comes in the form of magazine was handed out to guests but there were limited copies and only the lucky ones had them.