Mini Symposium

On the 13th of September 2008, the Rotaract Club of Curtin Uni organised a Mini Symposium which was jointly organised by the IEEE Curtin Student Branch and also Curtin Chemical Society. The aim of this Mini Symposium was to
a. To develop professional and leadership skills through the talks
b. To understand how skills and experience are applied in a professional role
c. To understand the needs and conditions of a professional workspace
To learn professional work ethics in both engineering and business aspect

Mini Symposium started at 9am and went on till about 4pm. Events that took place on that day were career talk by working engineers from different companies. Engineers that were invited was an electrical engineer from SESCO, mechanical engineer and also a chemical engineer. After hearing the career talk, participant went down from the AL Council Room to the LT Foyer to look at the exhibition that was on display and at the same time had lunch.

At around 2pm, event resumed with a debate on current issues and the debate title for the day was Nuclear Energy VS Renewable Energy. After the debate, the event was continued with some Team Building Games. Marks that were collected from the debate and also the Team Building Game allowed Organisers to present prizes to the winning team.

Event was participated by 37 students.