April Fool's eve water war party

On the 31th of March, Rotaract club of Curtin University Sarawak held its welcoming party with a spunky new theme ‘April fool’s eve: water war party’. The event started at about 9:30a.m. with attendance of more than 30 rotaractors and non-members. Amid booming music at G2101, the 30 participants were divided into 5 different groups to start off the game session.

The first game they played is called ‘Fetching water’ which some participants are ‘naïve’ enough to think they can actually win this game without getting wet!! Haha… if you will patiently scan through the following pics, you will just find out how impossible it is, although some did get away with a few drops on their shirt and pants.

caption: The participants getting ready for the game of ‘Fetching water’

Caption: Quick, Chan, quick! Looks like everyone’s got their pail of water!

Caption: Rotaractor Chan getting his turn while the rest ‘beg’ for water. *note the blue sleeve on the right.

Caption: No! No! it’s not bath time yet…

Caption: The more civilized method of playing this game, demonstrated by Rotaractor Jacintha.

After this initial kick start, there was a jumble of activities as the 4 groups are required to complete different games to win the final prize. The games that they are required to play are like the scissor paper stone game (losers get one pail of water, winners gets to pour 1 bottle of water on the game master. Unfair?), the banana game (the male participants are required to tie a rope around his waist with a banana dangling at the middle and try to knock down half filled plastic bottle. Silly? But hear this, this game is supposed to be similar to the training a tai chi master has to undergo to train the strength of his waist… cool…), the flour game, the volleyball game ( see below):

Caption: Wow! Curtin Book of Records, the highest flying water balloon!!!

Caption: A well catch!!

Potato chip game (A potato chip is placed on the forehead of the participant and the participant needs to eat it with only the help of his facial muscles. Sounds hard? Some get it right in the first try!), flour game (you have to use your mouth to get some ping pong balls hidden in a basin of flour, yucky!), blindfold game, the guni game and the body game (you will be required to practice yoga for this. Haha…).
After playing so many different games and getting utterly soaked through at this stage, you will think that it is over, right? So wrong! The best is saved for the last! FEAR FACTTTTOOOORRRRR… is here. It seems like a very innocent and familiar Double A’s box with a hole at the top to place your hand in. But to the horror of the participants, they have to dig out a few pings pong balls with digits on while snails, frogs, mud and worm hop and crawl around their hands. ARGH! Even the current President Leong Chao Siong was tricked into placing his well manicured hands into the fear factor box!

Caption: Looks innocent, isn’t it?

Supposedly this is where the event ends, but apparently the party goers are not ready to admit defeat. There’s plenty of water to go about, so why not…?

Caption: President elect Chien Hui Liang getting a ‘bath’ by his beloved club members.

Caption: Rotaractor Shuy wan zhi giving out ‘special treatment masks’ for the participants.

Caption: A leo cum Rotaractor member being ‘tortured’ and ‘questioned’.

After 3 and a half hour of non stop games, it’s time for lunch and some rest. After changing their clothes, participants are ready to wolf down the lunch prepared specially by PP Ahmad which includes beef rendang, chicken curry, mixed vegetables, fried noodles and fried kueh tiaw.

Caption: Tired-I-Want-To-Sleep faces.

With lunch, the April Fool’s eve Water War party came to an end at about 2:15pm. In short, it was a huge success and those who couldn't it, our pity goes out to you. But not forgetting, special thanks going out to our organizing committee headed by Rotaractor Shuy Wan Zhi, Rotaractor Tony Leung and the rest of the team members which includes Rotaractor Chang Shay Speare, Rotaractor Ng Jou Wen, Rotaractor Chien Hui Liang, Rotaractor Ian Brian tang, Rotaractor Lau Sie Hung, Rotaractor Jason, Rotaractor Bay Yeo Yang Sheng, Rotaractor Liew ( bear with me, the list of names is almost coming to an end) and me! Hehe…

Behind the scene:

Rotaractor PolyCarp : Get ready for war!!
Rotaractor Shay Speare : Urgh! Are You ready for this?
Roataractor Lau Sie Hung : And this is how you play the flour game!

Caption: Posing for the camera as the PA system is loaded unto the Hilux.

Caption: Getting ready for the water war isn’t all that easy.