Mooncake Festival 2007

The mooncake festival 2007 falls on a weekday, 25th of September. To give a chance for both local and foreign student a chance to enjoy the mooncake festival without going back home, the Rotaract Club of Curtin Sarawak hosted a Mooncake celebration on the 22nd of September (Saturday) . The organizing committee consisted of OC Rtr Esther Liaw, vice-OC Rtr Shuy Wan zhi, Rtr Siew Chen Mei, Rtr Amir Arrifin, Rtr Chang Shay Speare and Rtr. Ng Jou Wen.

The event started around 6:30 at night when the receptionist at the registration booth was amazed by the number of participants (both members and non-members) flowing in. Initially, the Organizing team was busy with the decorating of the venue but when it comes to hanging and lighting lanterns, seems like EVERYONE is willing to lend a helping hand.

For this special occassion, we have readied some special games such as the first game of newspaper hitting. (note: this game is most popular among chinese primary school students, if you don't know the game, you should have been here for the gruelling practise! Cause apparently those in the picture shown below, didn't! Haha...).

All smiles for the losing team of newspaper game

The losing team was then 'forced' to do a re-enactment of a chinese folk lore of Chang Er. Eventhough the story can be easily googled, this re-enactment is one in a million for the role of Chang Er (supposedly a beautiful woman) was taken by none other than our vice president Ian Tan!!! Nice job, Ian. (Pst.. lucky we don't have a video crew... YET). Other than that game, we also have a cordial game of passing the lanterns.

A game of passing the latterns.

Durian mooncake, jelly mooncake, custard mooncake, green bean mooncake, shanghai mooncake, etc etc

And those unlucky enough to be caught with a burnt lantern (there was a lot of cheating, you can guess )was given a special privilege to walk the catwalk as a mooncake model!! (*whistle *hootcalls)

Models preparing to showcase their mooncakes.

After dinner and mooncake, each person was given different colours of lotus flowers and were guided down a lit walkway leading to Curtin's mosquitoes infested lake to release the lotus flower. As each person was given a lantern and sparkler, the child inside was given full rein and well... crazy is not the ONLY word that came to mind.

Pres. William next to the newly released lotus floating in the lake.

have a fun filled midautumn festival, everyone!

After much photo taking, screaming, laughing and 'socializing' around, the event officially comes to an end at 9:30 and everyone was given free lanterns and a complimentary leftovers. (LOL)

The 'happy' and 'contented' faces of the participants

Note: Too much mosquitoe coils can bring about ecstasy and hallucination (oops)

Now, these are the happy and contented ones...